You can program all
sorts of keyword based answers into the chat bot.
But in practice, visitors could ask almost any question -
and the chat bot may not be able to provide a proper answer.
But the software has a solution for this. If the chat bot
cannot answer the question, it displays the following message
(you can change the message contents if you wish).
I'm sorry I do not have an answer for that question.
If you enter just your email address in the box, I'll
forward your question to customer support - Or you can enter
another question for me
Even if the chat bot is able to reply, it may not always
get it right, so after each reply, it adds the following
message (you can change the message contents if you wish).
If you don't like my answer, just enter your email
address in the box and I'll forward your question to
customer support - Or you can enter another question for
In both cases, the visitor simply needs to enter their
email address in the box - and their question will be emailed
to you automatically, so you can answer yourself.
At this stage, since the visitor has already entered their
question, it only takes a second to enter their email address,
making it highly likely that they will take that final step.
Now you can see the power of the software.
For simple questions, it may answer on the spot.
But for more complex questions, the software provides a
simple stepping stone, which splits the process of contacting
you into stages.
Instead of the hassle of using a contact form or helpdesk,
visitors are guided through the process by the chat bot.
So it's much more likely that visitors will contact you,
giving you a valuable oppoprtunuty to answer their concerns -
and make the sale.
You'll also notice one additional point. There is no
"captcha" (a "captcha" is one of those annoying boxes asking
you to enter a set of numbers or letters to prove you are a
real person and not a spambot).
Captchas are good for website owners because they stop
spambots sending you spam through your contact form. But they
are horrible for visitors. They waste visitors time and deter
visitors from using your contact form.
But because the chat bot contact mechanism is embedded deep
inside the code and can only be used as part of a
conversation, a conventional spambot cannot access it.
This means that a captcha is not needed when using the chat
bot, reducing the effort needed to contact you.
WP Support Bot has lots of advanced features...
You can specify the initial sequence messages to be
shown by the chat bot - just by editing a simple text
You can specify the responses to be shown, with the
keywords that trigger each response - also by editing a simple
text file.
You can insert links into your initial messages and
responses if you wish.
You can set up a link to be shown at the bottom of
the chat window, to give a direct link to your help desk or
contact form - or for any other purpose.
There's no "powered by" notice/link. Everything
shown on the chat window is fully customizable, so your
visitors only see what you want them to see.
The software is "smart" and will answer by
analysing the question. While it is software (so may not
answer every question correctly), it will always answer any
particular question in the same way (there's no random
selection). If there's an answer that you're unhappy with, you
can just add the question and answer to your responses list
(which is just a simple text file).
If the chat bot is unable to determine a suitable
answer to a question, it will display a standard message,
offering to forward the question to customer support (this
message can be customized however you want).
Once you've set up your chat bot, it works for you
everyday, helping your visitors and increasing your chances of
making sales.
Use On All Your
The software is licensed for use on an
unlimited number of blogs, so you can use it on every blog you
own, without paying any
Get Your Copy Now For Just
You'll receive instant access to your
by Internet download.
Totally secure payment
is through Paypal